Saturday, December 25, 2010

Orangeshark Home Login

Yes, create ° * ° Yes, travel

Oggi parlerò di viaggi. Più precisamente del mio podio europeo.
Adoro viaggiare, e pare sia la caratteristica dominante del mio segno.
In Europa, tra le città che m'interessano, me ne mancano
da visitare ancora tre...

...e, più precisamente, Berlino°Stoccolma°Amsterdan.
Il mio podio fa avanzare o scendere una città in base a ricordi legati a momenti.
La differenza la fa anche il clima che vi ho trovato, la compagnia ed il mio stato d'animo in quella vacanza.

My No. 1 city among those visited Prague. Piazza
wonderful, beautiful colors, fairytale atmosphere, blue sky, night lighting and beautiful, blah blah ° ° blah.

the 2nd place I put a city that has marked a turning point in my professional life.
returned from that trip I was very clear in what direction to go.

I'm talking about Barcelona: ° pum pum pum °, an art that pulsates in every corner.
The joy of the Ramblas and the amazement at the creative genius of Gaudi. ° ° Pum pum pum
: After years of that visit, il cuore batte ancora!

Forse stupirà ai più (ma un po' anche a me) la città alla quale ho destinato il 3° c'è un motivo.

Parlo di Parigi, la splendida Paris! Anche se tra le 3 città citate è quella dove andrei a vivere all'istante!

Ho anche un podio al contrario: le 3 città che hanno disatteso le mie aspettative.
Qui vado oltreoceano, ed anche in questo caso c'è più di una motivazione.
Si tratta di San Francisco, Lisbona e Los Angeles.
Ovviamente spero di ricredermi prossimamente :-)

Ah there is also a jewel to describe.
This is my first short series. I've always done long, long, short
but this is short. Like me :-)
can leave comments to be "she", but know your counter-stages and podiums, I would like it very much.

I could not be here to wish you a good Santa Claus, so
remedy with a 2011 ... Good move! Whether
only physical but also mental
(... because it seems that those who stop, is lost:-D!).
° * ° Have a good trip. Happy New Year. Good directions ° * °

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Polyp Inside Lower Lip

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011! The centrino

To all of you who have followed me this year with patience and friendship, hope to spend this holiday season in peace and joy with your loved ones and enjoy a 2011's health and peace, but also rich in embroidery!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is A Faja Bad For You To Sleep In

Christmas ... last minute! / 2 centrino

... and this is the second Christmas doily.

In this case I wanted to do an experiment: the punt'e nor used as a filling for the Christmas balls whose board is made with my special chain stitch that I had described here.
Public detailed pictures of the balls, so if anyone is interested, can copy photos directly from the reasons:

The edge is performed in a fast parade:

To make it I raised 6 wires, so I made with gimp black 60 point per day on both sides of the slip-off, taking the wires in bundles of 3. Finally I ran 12 red twine on the ground as I indicated in the following photo sequence:

Photo # 1: Point-to-day from both sides of the slip-off ...

photo No. 2 and 3: the two steps of the point made with red thread.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Empty Box Ebay Scammers

° * ° ° * ° ° Shades

We feel a bit ': bottom wisteria? But yes, but ...

almost feel the pink that makes me a strong contrato ...

Idea: Where, where is that acid remnant of the bottom?

But almost back to the lilac, it seems softer.

Wait, I try to change the background change but also the series ...

... this blue color, but a po'sottomarino I do not mind.

Facciamo così: oggi vi sciorino sfondi in tutte le tinte, ed ognuno posi gli occhi sulla propria.
A proposito di tinta: mi aspetta il peluquero...
perchè come da vecchio spot "meglio tinta, che tonta" ;-) !

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pattycake Online Free Set

The Christmas ... last minute!

Here's a doily with a reason to make Christmas very fast, maybe a little gift at the last minute preparation:
point edge with white thread per day (pearl No. 60), in a corner of a star ice, are also fine those of patterns that I have already published, and around a slip-off fast as the one published here. the wire is used, the twine 12 Florence, Red Christmas, of course.

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much Does It Cost For Dog Hernia Surgery

* ° ° * ° ° * ° The smell of the ink

E' indiscutibile che il web sia una fonte inesauribile
di idee, di proposte di link, di clicca qui e vai di là...

...però, quel senso di relax che mi dà, lo starmene accoccolata sul divano con il calduccio casalingo... copertina a crochet, il the fumante, e le riviste da sfogliar, ancora il web non me l'ha dato.

Il rumore delle pagine croccanti, il profumo dell'inchiostro,
il girare velocemente le pagine, per poi ritornare su ciascuna...

...mi rimanda quasi allo stesso piacere che provava
Amélie Poulain nell'affondare la mano tra i piselli secchi...

...e nel rompere la crosticina della creme brulè!

Le immagini del biglietto pop-up natalizio, and the two decorated stroller,
are creative proposals that I made for Sweet Anticipation

(monthly maternity picture Rossana Mungai )

But today, from glossy paper, I had another kind of satisfaction:
find in advance the number of Women's Most Creative No 2.

You see that little face on the cover micro ° in the lower right?

:-) It would be my
Daniela Cerri The explosive and versatile Luisa De Santi,
have given less than 6 pages to my creations.
thank their heart for the trust and for your time.
Now back on the couch with my whole world:
thread, yarn, steaming cups, knitting, and his hands in the air, the smell of ink.

° * ° G ° r * ° ° * ° ° * ° ° * z ° i ° * ° ° * °
(to them and to you for always showing me the love that!).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rocco'sbig Mess In Streaming

... the sleeping-bag ...

... and this is the sleeping-bag for the baby to be born in February in a country where so cold ...

In my there is: the idea (copied to the truth from an old issue of Christmas Embroidery Italian) and the creation and implementation of the penguin. The rest is the result of patient work of my sister Anna, who has sewn, hemmed and finished everything.
The fabric is a soft fleece, the application is made with a stitch rarely done wire of the same color. At the hips and shoulders, for we sewed velcro closure.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Is The Correct Spacing For Curtain Bracket

sheep and airplanes .....

Two other sheets to accompany one of the trains. All very simple points, especially point and grass here and there a little 'and point to point full steam. The subjects: the sheep jumping the fence while the moon slumber ...

and here the details:

a sheep ....

... and the moon ....

Another SHEET has for its subject airplanes:


a friendly against the Red Baron Snoopy aviator, the curious little clouds ...

... a plane ...

... and more to come ...
Even these individuals are a tribute to the great grandparents of the puppy to be born and to the activity that took place in their lives: o).