Saturday, February 12, 2011

Left Arm Numbness High Cholesterol

° * ° Oui, click clack ° ° * °

Lately I have been spellbound by MoNdoBoRseTTa. After
(which goes in her purse) the portacreditcard (Which goes in her purse) , and even before the portfolios, notebooks and various emergencies handbag
(I probably repeated too the word handbag?) ...

... here, in fact, I was saying ...
one does a nice purses?
What then of all these things in her bag I do not even have a ...

... because (fortunately) I have been commissioned and I have some presents.

not that there is nothing to say of the shoemaker with his shoes rotte.
Ed io non voglio fare crollare questa certezza ben radicata nelle frasi popolari :-)

Per fortuna però a riempire la mia borsetta, ci pensano le amiche.
Ed allora, se è vero che dentro non ho nulla di mio, ho tante deliziose cosuccie di altrettanto deliziose amichette.
Borsette e amichette...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mi piace !!!


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