Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Escape Guantanamo Bay Bottomless Party

"A special day: the first Communion of Ilaria"

And here is the reason for my absence from the blog, I was busy in this magical event in the life of my daughter.

I tried to make it participates in every decision, from the color of ribbons and tulle flowers to the decorations of the boxes portaconfetti, the legendary choice of the dress, not to mention the three visits to the hairdresser to have the perfect ringlets ... finished in a comfortable mid-cut plate with small springs along a theme.

Sunday, April 25, 2010 was a busy day, we woke early accomplice a little 'excitement, we ran into the breakfast room.

Recent changes to those blessed flowers great for wedding favor boxes and running to get dressed.

How did we get to practice after the guests (not our fault if you get hit almost at dawn?) Have taken place in our bench and immediately became the circle around, even the catechists and I have been complimented with look stupid I simply say "thank you" and soon started the ceremony with all the children in a procession from the outside and then all sit down on the altar.

accomplice can take some pictures of a head and the other of those seated in front of me, I have avoided too much to move me through this fortuitous distraction.

We even had a moment of panic after the ceremony, was no longer the necklace with the crucifix gift of catechists and intended to Ilaria which was dissolved in tears.

luckily someone found her at the foot of the table in the middle of the site offers, and so the Church sorriso è tornato ed abbiamo potuto scattare le ultime foto.

Un ultimo saluto a chi è passato in Chiesa a trovarci e via in pasticceria per ritirare la mitica torta, poi al ristorante.

Parcheggiate le auto e consegnata la torta con l'obbligo di metterla subito in frigo e consegnarla solo dietro mia richiesta, ci siamo diretti verso il parco del ristorante, il sole splendente, il verde del prato e le magnifiche piante, ci hanno fatto scattare la molla della "danza delle foto" e dato che era ancora presto le abbiamo fatte proprio tutteeeeee!!!

Finalmente anche il panciotto ha iniziato a reclamare ed abbiamo dato il via al pranzo così composto:


- salmone marinato with orange sauce with mysterious

- prawns with salad and other stuff

- cuts and pickles

- Russian salad

- white wine sausage

first course + wine croatina

- pancakes Valdostan

- penne with artichokes, tomatoes cuttlefish

- ravioli filled with ricotta and rocket for those who did not take the penne

COURSES mixed green salad and French fries

- fried mixed

- roast veal

- roast kid

- the cake brought us:

based sponge custard + + layer cioccolatofondente + + Fresh raspberries raspberry meringue shell of light as a cloud cover in white chocolate shavings and garnished with raspberries and tails and the message of good wishes.

- Coffee + ammazzacaffè

Once the first course, Ilaria has changed the habit of wearing a pair of comfortable jeans and running away with his playmates happy with this wonderful opportunity.

We finished the assault course, interspersed with several rounds in the garden and talk propitiatory variously graded.

delivery of gifts and favors + cutting on the cake and photographs.

Then everyone went back home, save us who have stopped at home dell'amichetta Ilaria, which we donated the remainder of the cake and finally relaxed and happy that we spent in other chatter.

Today I still have a big mess to fix (you know what a surprise!) A mixed jumble of thoughts and lots of sweet memories, I have already booked a beautiful album of memories in scrapbooking version, this will be the theme of communion in the colors: lilac and white, will take a while 'for it, but now there's no hurry, it was a beautiful day, sun shining and full of laughter and warm ... the laughter of a child happy.


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