Sunday, October 10, 2010

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· Crazy Niki ° * ° ° * ° Cover! ·

Here I am to conclude the last post, left in half.

I told you the inside pages of
· Crazy ° * ° ° * ° Organizer Niki °, without showing the
· Crazy Niki ° * ° ° * ° Cover degrees.

But first, a bit 'reflector also on the bag, which will prevent
pendants and trinkets organizer,
ingrovigliarsi to go with all the other inhabitants
handbag :-)

untie the thread that wanders around al bottone,
ecco che l'organizer può vedere la luce, pronto ad accogliere
foglini e foglietti.

Oppure si può decidere di fargli spallucce e riporlo nuovamente nella bustina :-( no dai: Niki , aprilo e riempilo di penne, foto, scontrini, bigliettini, carte dei cioccolatini, ricette e quattrini...

...poi, fai un tentativo e richiudilo, sperando che superi la "prova valigia", e non ti ci debba sedere sopra...

...sai com'è, this white flower may aversene bad :-)

Once again thanks to those who stoically continued to comment,
without my having done so and never returned to their blogs.
arrancherò not excuses, or attempts to try to be understood.
But there is no doubt that my thanks is genuine and sincere.

Uhhhhhhh, if I am made serious!
great week full and colorful as what I just showed you :-)

****************************** ********************************
Ps: the enamel buttons on the front cover you can find them by Buttonmad .


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