Friday, October 15, 2010

Shannon Whirry On Line

all started with the urgent need to prepare cookies for the weekend.
said than done, I start to pick up the ingredients and I realize that the butter is not enough ... now what??
The eye falls on
robiola and since some recipes contain a similar product recently (Philadelphia) it takes me less than nothing to me: I try!

The result is excellent, unfortunately not much to carve ravioli, I took her hand towards the end, but the important thing is taste, so I invite you to plunge into my own business.

Ingredients: 500 gr

. 00
flour 110 gr.
butter 100 gr. robiola
210 gr.
sugar 1 whole egg + 2 egg yolks 1 pinch of salt

1 package yeast 1 / 2 teaspoon bourbon vanilla powder


Marmellata di sambuco + fichi + pesche

Preparare la frolla come d'abitudine e  farla riposare almeno un'ora (io l'ho fatta il giorno prima).
Stendere la pasta e ricavare dei rettangoli o cerchi da utilizzare come base per i tortelli, depositarci 1 cucchiaino circa di marmellata e coprire con altro dischetto o rettangolo.
Sigillare con il coppapasta della misura giusta o con i rebbi di una forchetta.
Infornare a 175° per circa 15 minuti.
Una volta raffreddati spolverare con zucchero a velo.


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