Friday, January 21, 2011

Ashleigh Erwood Galleries

Desulo's costume.

few days ago I went to see Mrs. Luisa . It is native to Desulo, a country of Barbagia at the foot of Gennargentu, but now lives in my country for many years. At my request he showed me the costume of his country, and she keeps different specimens, some consisting of articles very ancient, dating from the late nineteenth century and still in perfect condition. In Sardinia
each country has its own traditional costume: often the two countries, only a few miles distant from each other, have very different customs. There are many reasons for this: among these, perhaps, the fact that since the island is mainly mountainous territory in the past this made communication difficult and the contacts between neighboring countries also, thus, spent their life and development their culture in a completely autonomous, with little outside input. Obviously this is my reflection based on the geographical reality of my country and I do not know what could be condivisa dagli esperti in materia.
Tornando al costume di Desulo, devo dire che mi ha sempre colpito per la sua particolarità:  la sua struttura, fatta di tanti pezzi di stoffa dai colori sgargianti assemblati da ricami e nastri cuciti sopra.
Ecco qui una foto del costume indossato da una ragazza:

e questa è una foto della signora Luisa, da bambina, con il costume del suo paese:

La prossima volta parlerò del costume, delle sue parti con i loro nomi, con le foto dei capi e dei ricami in dettaglio.


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