Monday, January 10, 2011

How Do Capillary Thermostats Work

frame 08. Parole granted: Sauté

voice and guitar: Martin Fields
piano and organ: Mario Sboarina
trumpet Thierry Tsafack

arrangements: Mario Sboarina

words granted to You who are
( a poem by Martha Fields, a music Mario Sboarina)
dal progetto: Mani e qualcos'altro

Licenza Creative Commons
Il brano Dorare di Tu che sei (Martina Campi e Mario Sboarina) è protetto da una licenza 

e le parole:


I (da: Notturna, per la mattina after )

to share the sofa, watching the sleeping

say gl'interni
the passage of time

all those hours
all that brown

and halogen lamps of

Upside to a desire

a bellows or more subtle, a wink,

halogen lamps

buzz of living in unison.

II. (All around the room )

things that move and change
, the eye
(which even they say they know)

But as I can, I ignore the movement

O cuddly
collect and what memories:
scattered throughout the room

exactly as I left.

things, which in many ways be touched.

III. ( Air )

Like some dives are deaf
and how many days do not end never

in silence all the silence widens
night rejected

In the rooms we treat
empty glasses on
the lights of the standby.

IV. (My )

in the still image of the church rarefied
over the square and the oleanders in bloom
disorders and silences in dense s'accoltellano of eyes, and red
Neboli still thin
caresses flushed deficiencies
noisy at night fasting quarries

V. ( Antiques )

embroidery soft recline antiques and fine furniture
hide wear and harmful cavity

other voices and faces more or less known to gather in circles of embarrassment and raw ,
lightness decomposed clumsy comedy and lobbies generic then taken from memory much more polite of us to refraction

the floor tiles are dull and rough, no light without brightness and awkward descent, to climb

out with the old cars are waiting in the sun of the unknown ways, and undissolved deserted

These two verses I came from gam

Licenza Creative Commons
The Sauté poetry of Martina Fields is protected by a license


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